How to strengthen hair naturally?

Using natural products available to all, you can achieve guaranteed results to strengthen and protect hair from fallouts... Natural remedies are an excellent nutrient that stimulates hair growth, makes them shiny, and also prevents dandruff. Their use is a little troublesome, longer, but you are confident in naturalness and safety. We trust these products because we use them in food.

Consider an onion hair mask

Hair Loss Onion

To prepare the mask, you will need so much onion to cover all the hair with gruel. Chop the peeled onion in any way possible, and make the mass soft. The resulting gruel is applied to all hair with rubbing into the skin on unwashed hair.

You can slightly dampen your hair or add a little water to the onion mass to make it easier to apply to the head if the mass is too thick. If we cover the head with cellophane film and insulate it, as when dyeing hair in a hairdresser, we can enhance the effect of the onion mass.

Then we will wash it off with lukewarm water in twenty minutes, thirty no more or less as long as it allows to keep it, we will wash our hair with shampoo. If you have oily hair, you can add a tablespoon of vodka to the onion gruel. The addition of vodka will reduce the greasiness of the head. The inconvenience of strengthening hair with onions is the smell.

To eliminate it, after the performed procedure, when rinsing, add ordinary vinegar - a tablespoon is quite enough. for 3 liters of water. You can replace vinegar with lemon juice. These additives are good at fighting off odors and softening hair.

But the amount of water and vinegar must be determined from the mass of the hair. Some recommend 1 part water to 1 part wine or apple cider vinegar. It's up to you how to rinse your hair. Wine and apple cider vinegar are also natural remedies. Just sour juice that hasn't lost its value.

If time is short, you can immediately add essential oil, lemon juice to the prepared mask, and then just rinse your hair.

Burdock root for hair loss

Burdock root for hair

We buy at the pharmacy Burr oil and use it according to the instructions.

You can dig burdock root in the fall. Grind into a gruel and rub into the scalp, apply to hair. This procedure is best done on a clean head, then just rinse.

If a stock of burdock root has been made in the fall, then it must be crushed in a coffee grinder or in a meat grinder. Then add water as much as the root takes. When the mass swells, you can apply it to the hair, hold it for a while and rinse it under running water to cleanse the root particles.

If you do not want to wash out the root particles from the hair, especially when they are long, pour boiling water over the crushed root, let it brew. Approximate cooling time.

Then strain and just wet your head with this infusion, hold for a while and rinse with clean water. You can simply add the burdock root infusion to the water and rinse your hair after shampooing.

A blend of henna, mustard and coffee to strengthen hair

Hair mask coffee

Another more difficult way to revitalize hair is also effective. We make a mixture: a package of henna (preferably colorless) is mixed with dry mustard - a teaspoon. Dilute with brewed natural coffee and leave for a while.

Then add 5 drops essential oil (the essential oil can be purchased at the pharmacy). Hold on hair for twenty minutes, then rinse off and look at an amazing result.

Birch branches or birch leaves for hair

Birch branches for hair

You can also consider the use of other natural products - for example, birch branches or birch leaves. A very affordable tool. Steam, cool a little and just rinse. Once a week is enough.

In a month you will see the result, hair will begin to grow, even in the place where you have already despaired of seeing it there, the hair color will be even, a little darker, and the head will not quickly get fat, the splendor of the hair is guaranteed.

Preventing hair loss with chicken yolk

Egg yolk in hair masks

An affordable way for everyone. We just take the yolks without shampoo and smear it on the hair, rub it into the head. We hold it a little and wash it off.

The result is the same as when using shampoo. The yolk even froths a little. Twice a month is enough to nourish the hair.

Try to revive your hair yourself, use at least one method, this will not ruin your hair, but on the contrary, you will help them and yourself. Beautiful hair is every woman's dream.

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Hair loss

Hair masks

Hair care